

Y=x straight line graph 311244

 Straight line graphs 1 Straight Line Graphs 2 Straight Line Graphs Sections 1) Horizontal, Vertical and Diagonal Lines (Exercises) 2) y = mx c (Exercises Naming a Straight Line Sketching a Straight Line) 3) Plotting a Straight Line Table Method (Exercises) 4) Plotting a Straight Line – X = 0, Y = 0 Method (Exercises) 5) Supporting Exercises Coordinates Negative Equation of Straight Line Graphs Mathematics education blog showing how to teach finding the equation of a straight line graph in the form y = mx c Interpret the equation y = mx b as defining a linear function, whose graph is a straight line CCSSMathContent8FA3Equations of straight lines are in the form y = mx c (m and c are numbers) m is the gradient of the line and c is the yintercept (where the graph crosses the yaxis) NB1 If you are given the equation of a straightline and there is a number before the 'y', divide everything by this number to get y by itself, so that you can see what m and c are 1 Y=x straight line ...